M. Marcus Pivato
Professeur des universités
Mathématiques appliquées et applications des mathématiques
UFR 27 : Mathématiques et informatique
À propos de moi
- Elected Economic Theory Fellow (2024).
- Managing Editor of Social Choice and Welfare (since 2024)
- Co-Editor of Economic Theory and Economic Theory Bulletin (since 2023).
- Associate Editor of Theory and Decision and Mathematical Social Sciences.
- Member of the Council of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare (2018-2024).
- Research affiliate of the Global Priorities Insititute at the University of Oxford.
- Research Associate at the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science at the London School of Economics.
- Associate member at the Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
- Bayesian social aggregation with almost-objective uncertainty, by M. Pivato and Élise Flore Tchouante, to appear in Theoretical Economics (2024).
- Bayesian social aggregation with non-Archimedean utilities and probabilities, M. Pivato and Élise Flore Tchouante, to appear in Economic Theory (2024).
- Population ethics in an infinite universe, by M. Pivato, Philosophical Studies 180, pp. 3383–3414, 2023.
- Cesàro average utilitarianism in relativistic spacetime, by M. Pivato. Social Choice & Welfare 61, pp. 733–761, 2023.
- A characterization of Cesàro average utility, by M. Pivato, Journal of Economic Theory 201 (2022) 105440.
- Bayesian social aggregation with accumulating evidence, by M. Pivato, Journal of Economic Theory 200, 105399, 2022.
- The median rule in judgement aggregation, by Klaus Nehring and M. Pivato, Economic Theory 73, pages 1051–1100 (2022) [Open access] . [Preprint version].
- Measure and integration on Boolean algebras of regular open subsets in a topological space, by M. Pivato and Vassili Vergopoulos, Real Analysis Exchange 47 (#1), pages 25-62, 2022.
- Deliberation and epistemic democracy, by Huihui Ding and M. Pivato, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 185, pp. 138-167, 2021.
- Rawls’s Difference Principle and maximin rule of allocation: a new analysis, by Philippe Mongin and M. Pivato, Economic Theory 71, pp. 1499–1525, 2021.
- [Intertemporal choice with continuity constraints, M. Pivato, Mathematics of Operations Research 46 (#3), pp. 1203-1229, 2021.
- [Dynamic and stochastic systems as a framework for metaphysics and the philosophy of science, by Christian List and M. Pivato, Synthese 198, pp. 2551–2612, 2021.
- Social preferences under twofold uncertainty, Philippe Mongin and M.Pivato, Economic Theory 70 (#3), pp. 633-663, 2020.
- Rank-additive population ethics, M.Pivato, Economic Theory 69(#4), pp. 861-918, 2020.
- Subjective expected utility with imperfect perception, M. Pivato and Vassili Vergopoulos, Journal of Mathematical Economics 88, pp.104-122, 2020.
- Weighted representative democracy, M. Pivato and Arnold Soh, Journal of Mathematical Economics 88, pp.52-63, 2020.
- Subjective expected utility with a spectral state space, M. Pivato, Economic Theory 69(#2), pp. 249-313, 2020.
- Majority rule in the absence of a majority, by Klaus Nehring and M. Pivato, Journal of Economic Theory 183, September 2019, pp. 213-257.
- Truth-Revealing Voting Rules for Large Populations, by Matías Núñez and M. Pivato, Games and Economic Behaviour 113, 2019, pp. 285–305.
- Realizing epistemic democracy, M. Pivato, in The future of economic design (Jean-François Laslier, Hervé Moulin, Remzi Sanver, and William S. Zwicker, eds.), Springer-Verlag 2019, pp. 103-112.
- Evolutionary stability of bargaining and price-posting: Implications for formal and informal activities, by Nejat Anbarci, Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, and M. Pivato. Journal of Evolutionary Economics 28 (#2), April 2018, pp. 365–397.
- Epistemic democracy with correlated voters, M. Pivato, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 72, 2017 pp. 51-69.
- The Efficiency of Tenure Contracts in Academic Employment, by Bruce Cater, Byron Lew and M. Pivato. Journal of Public Economic Theory 19 (#2), April 2017, pp. 331–361.
- Social Preference and Social Welfare Under Risk and Uncertainty, by Philippe Mongin and M. Pivato, Chapter 24 of Handbook of Well-being and Public Policy, edited by Matthew D. Adler and Marc Fleurbaey, pp. 711-745, Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Asymptotic utilitarianism in scoring rules, M. Pivato. Social Choice and Welfare 47(#2), 2016, pp. 431-458.
- Statistical utilitarianism, M. Pivato. (2016) in The political economy of social choices (Maria Gallego and Norman Schofield, eds.), pp.187-205, Studies in political economy, Springer-Verlag, 2016.
- Unanimity Overruled: Majority Voting and the Burden of History, by Klaus Nehring, M. Pivato, and Clemens Puppe, Journal of Theoretical Politics 28 (#4) pp. 552-597, October 2016.
- Condorcet meets Bentham, by M. Pivato. Journal of Mathematical Economics 59 (2015), pp.58-65.
- Ranking Multidimensional Alternatives and Uncertain Prospects, by Philippe Mongin and M. Pivato. Journal of Economic Theory 157, 2015, pp.146-171.
- Emergent chance, by Christian List and M. Pivato. The Philosophical Review 24 (#1), January 2015, pp. 119-152.
- Social choice with approximate interpersonal comparisons of welfare gains, M. Pivato; Theory & Decision 79 (#2), 2015, pp. 181-216.
- [How indeterminate is sequential majority voting? A judgement aggregation perspective, by Klaus Nehring and M. Pivato, pp.55-88 of The Mathematics of Decisions, Elections, and Games (Crisman, Karl-Dieter and Jones, Michael A., editors), volume 624 of Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 2014.
- The Condorcet set: Majority voting over interconnected propositions, by Klaus Nehring, M. Pivato, and Clemens Puppe, Journal of Economic Theory 151, 2014, pp. 268-303.
- Additive representation of separable preferences over infinite products, M. Pivato; Theory and Decision 77 (#1), June 2014, pp. 31-83.
- Formal utilitarianism and range voting, M. Pivato, Mathematical Social Sciences 6 (#1), January 2014, pp. 50-56.
- Multiutility representations for incomplete difference preorders, M. Pivato, Mathematical Social Sciences 66 (#3), November 2013, pp. 196-220
- Social welfare with incomplete ordinal interpersonal comparisons, M. Pivato, Journal of Mathematical Economics 49 (#5), October 2013, pp. 405-417.
- Variable population voting rules, M. Pivato, Journal of Mathematical Economics 49 (#3), May 2013, pp. 210-221.
- Voting rules as statistical estimators, M. Pivato, Social Choice & Welfare 40 (#2), February 2013, pp. 581-630.
- Risky social choice with incomplete or noisy interpersonal comparisons of well-being, M. Pivato, Social Choice & Welfare 40 (#1), January 2013, pp. 123-139.
- The ergodic theory of cellular automata, M. Pivato, International Journal of General Systems, 41 #6 (2012).
- [A statistical approach to epistemic democracy, M. Pivato, Episteme 9, special issue #2, June 2012, pp. 115-137.
- Incoherent majorities: The McGarvey problem in judgement aggregation, by Klaus Nehring and M. Pivato, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (2011), pp.1488-1507.
- Positive expansiveness versus network dimension in symbolic dynamical systems, M. Pivato, Theoretical Computer Science 412 #30 (2011), pp.3838-3855.
- RealLife, M. Pivato. In: Andrew Adamatzky (Ed.), Game of Life Cellular Automata (Springer-Verlag, 2010), Chapter 12, pp.223-234.
- Embedding Bratteli–Vershik systems in cellular automata, M. Pivato and Reem Yassawi. Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, (2010), 30, pp.1561-1572.
- The ergodic theory of cellular automata, in the Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science, Robert A. Meyers, ed. (Springer-Verlag, 2009).
- Geometric models of consistent judgement aggregation, M. Pivato, Social Choice &Welfare 33 (#4), 2009, pp.559-574.
- Pyramidal Democracy, M. Pivato, Journal of Public Deliberation, Vol. 5 (#1), 2009, Article 8.
- Twofold optimality of the relative utilitarian bargaining solution, M. Pivato, Social Choice & Welfare 32 (#1), 2009, pp.79-92.
- Emergent defect dynamics in two-dimensional cellular automata, by Martin Delacourt and M. Pivato, Journal of Cellular Automata, 4 (#2), 2009, pp.111-124.
- Module shifts and measure rigidity in linear cellular automata, M. Pivato, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 28, (#6), December 2008, pp.1945-1958.
- The spatial structure of odometers in certain cellular automata. M. Pivato and Reem Yassawi. Proceedings of “Journées Automates Cellulaires” (Uzés, France; April 21-25, 2008), pp.119-129.
- Defect particle kinematics in one-dimensional cellular automata, M. Pivato, Theoretical Computer Science, 377, (#1-3), May 2007, pp.205-228.
- RealLife: the continuum limit of Larger than Life cellular automata, M. Pivato, Theoretical Computer Science, 372 (#1), 2007, pp. 46-68.
- Prevalence of odometers in cellular automata, Ethan M. Coven, M. Pivato, and Reem Yassawi. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 135, 2007, pp.815-821.
- Spectral domain boundaries in cellular automata, M. Pivato, Fundamenta Informaticae, 78 (#3), 2007, pp.417-447.
- Algebraic invariants for crystallographic defects in cellular automata, M. Pivato, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 27 (#1), February 2007, pp. 199-240.
- Asymptotic randomization of subgroup shifts by linear cellular automata, by Alejandro Maass, Servet Martinez, M. Pivato, and Reem Yassawi, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 26 (#4), 2006, pp.1203-1224.
- Asymptotic randomization of sofic shifts by linear cellular automata, M. Pivato and Reem Yassawi, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems 26 (#4), 2006, pp.1177-1201.
- Attractiveness of the Haar measure for the action of linear cellular automata in Abelian topological Markov chains, by Alejandro Maass, Servet Martinez, M. Pivato and Reem Yassawi, pp. 100-108, in Dynamics & Stochastics: Festschrift in honour of Michael Keane (volume 48, Lecture Notes Monograph Series of Institute for Mathematical Statistics), 2006.
- Cellular automata vs. quasisturmian shifts, M. Pivato, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 25 (#5), 2005, pp. 1583-1632.
- Invariant measures for bipermutative cellular automata, M. Pivato, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems A, 12 (#4), 2005, pp. 723 - 736.
- Limit measures for affine cellular automata II, M. Pivato and Reem Yassawi, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 24 (#6), 2004, pp. 1961-1980
- Interior symmetry and local bifurcation in coupled cell networks, by Martin Golubitsky, M. Pivato, and Ian Stewart, Dynamical Systems: an International Journal, 19 (#4), 2004, pp.389-407.
- Symmetry groupoids and patterns of synchrony in coupled cell networks, by Martin Golubitsky, M. Pivato, and Ian Stewart, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, 2 (#4), 2003, pp. 609 - 646.
- Estimating the spectral measure of a multivariate stable distribution via spherical harmonic analysis, M. Pivato and Luis Seco, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 87 (#2), 2003, pp. 219-240.
- Multiplicative cellular automata on nilpotent groups: Structure, entropy, and asymptotics, M. Pivato, Journal of Statistical Physics, 110 (#1/2), 2003, pp. 247-267.
- Conservation laws for cellular automata, M. Pivato, Nonlinearity, 15, 2002, pp. 1781- 1793.
- Limit measures for affine cellular automata, M. Pivato and Reem Yassawi, Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems, 22 (#6), 2002, pp. 1269-1287.
- Building a stationary stochastic process from a finite-dimensional marginal, M. Pivato, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 53 (#2), 2001, pp. 382-413.
- Measures of dependence for multivariate Lévy distributions, Jeff Boland, Tom Hurd, M. Pivato and Luis Seco, Disordered and Complex Systems (London, 2000) pp. 289- 295; American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings vol. 553.
Book Reviews
- Review of Moral Uncertainty, by William MacAskill, Krister Bykvist and Toby Ord. Oxford University Press, 2020, viii + 226 pages (in Economics and Philosophy, 2022).
Doctoral Thesis: Analytical Methods for Multivariate Stable Probability Distributions, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, 2001. (Supervisor: Luis Seco.)