M. Philippe Gagnepain

Professeur des universités

Sciences économiques


Thèmes de recherche

Économie Industrielle Régulation et politique de la Concurrence Économétrie Appliquée


  • “European cooperative R&D and firm performance: Evidence based on funding differences in Key Actions”, forthcoming International Journal of Industrial Organization, with Luis Aguiar.
  • “Contract choice, incentives, and political capture in public transport services”, with Marc Ivaldi, forthcoming Journal of Industrial Economics.
  • “Rationalizability in the Airline Industry”, mimeo 2017, with Alexandra Belova and Stéphane Gauthier.
  • "Merger Guidelines for Bidding Markets”, Revue Economique, 67, 2006, with David Martimort.
  • “Merger Analysis and Public Transport Service Contracts”, with Marc Ivaldi and C. Latgé-Roucolle, in Thomas K; Cheng, Ioannis Lianos and D. Daniel Sokol (editors), Competition and the State, Stanford University Press, 2014.
  • ”Knowledge spillovers in cost-reduction incentives”, with Luis Aguiar, 2013.
  • “Full versus binary contracts: What are the welfare gains?” with Marc Ivaldi and David Martimort, 2012.
  • “The cost of contract renegotiation: Evidence from the local public transport”, American Economic Review, 103, 2013, with Marc Ivaldi and David Martimort. 
  • The effects of airline alliances : What do the aggregate data say?, Journal of the Spanish Economic Association : SERIEs, 1, 2010, 251-276, with Pedro Marin.
  • Renégotiation de contrats dans l'industrie du transport urbain en France, Revue Economique, 60, 2009, 927-947, with Marc Ivaldi and David Martimort.
  • Entry, Costs Reduction, and Competition in the Portuguese Mobile Telephony Industry, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 25, 2007, with Pedro Pereira.
  • Evaluating Rent Dissipation in the Spanish Football Industry, Journal of Sport Economics, 8, 2007, with Guido Ascari.
  • Regulation and Incentives in European Aviation, Journal of Law and Economics, 49, 2006, with Pedro Marin.
  • Incentive Regulatory policies : The Case of Public Transit Systems in France, Rand Journal of Economics, 33, 2002, with Marc Ivaldi.
  • Stochastic Frontiers and Asymmetric Information Models, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 18, 2002, with Marc Ivaldi.
  • La nouvelle théorie de la régulation des monopoles naturels : fondements et tests, Revue Française d'Economie, 4, 2001.
  • Asymétries d'information et richesse immatérielle de l'entreprise : Mesure microéconométrique, Revue Française d'Economie, 3, 2002, with Marc Ivaldi.
  • Structures productives de l'industrie du transport urbain et effets des schémas réglementaires, Economie et Prévision, 135, pp 95-107, 1998.